Thursday, January 7, 2021

Story Cubes

Deviating a little bit from the normal content today, with something a bit different for your tabletops: Story Cubes!

Story Cubes are a very simple idea at heart. They are a load of d6 die, with each face having some kind of symbol on them. The symbols are themed, and in the image you can see two sets of story cube die, one from the astro set (blue coloured), and one from the core set (brown coloured). 

The idea is that players roll the die and make up a story using the images on the die as prompts for things that they have to include. Now, although these things are marketed at children, they make really nice adult games at parties too (assuming you're able to host such parties in current times). 

So with the example in the image, we can see there's a moon shape, a footprint, a chaos star (lol!), some World Eaters (also lol!), a fluffy monster, and so on, and so forth. There's no particular right or wrong way to play the game either. The makers encourage starting with "It all began when...", but my lot are already stating "One upon a time..." to begin their stories. With nine die per set, the combinations possible are high, but when combining sets together, things get really more imaginative. 

Overall, I'd rate this idea quite highly, particularly for children, and also more inventive adults. Available on Amazon (and I'm not affiliate in any way with the makers, nor received the product for free). 

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