Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Custodian Guard Squad 4/4

 Rounding out the Custodian Guard squad is the one in the billowing, flowing cape. 

The dynamism of this squad member is clear with the stepping forward to take ground, the aggressive spear position ready to fire or impale a foe, and the head looking along the line of sight of the blade and the barrel. The cape on his back can seemingly fit any of the backpacks (which I was happy and relieved to see since he was the last miniature that I assembled for the squad). The only problem potentially with the cape is the positioning of the shoulder pads and weaponry around the body -- certain poses simply would not cut the mustard for this kind of adornment. 

With the cork on the base granting an extra bit of height, this Custodian is intimidating for traitorous foes on the battlefield to boot. In a pinch, he can also double up as a force commander too. Once more, I'm seriously impressed with the sheer level of detail on the miniature and now looking forward to painting the squad up. 

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