Thursday, December 31, 2020

Final thoughts on the year

Hi Folks,

This past year has been bad for many different reasons, but most obviously for the COVID-19 pandemic that has struck seemingly everywhere. Readers will have noticed a (random) drop off and pick up of my postings over this past 9 or so months, and some of this is related to the pandemic in the sense of having significantly less time for hobby. Rest assured that I (we) are all fit and healthy, but 2020 has simply been a rubbish year overall. I'm looking forward to the vaccine in 2021 and hoping that the gaming and tabletop scene will improve dramatically. 

Looking back at hobby progress, I started the year aiming to get a Shattered Legions force together. It is not quite 100% complete yet, but many aspects of it are really close, including basic squads for all three legions, plus some extras (Dreadtober in particular pushed my onward with a Salamanders dreadnought that I'm proud of -- image below!). 

Beyond that, I'm part way through reviewing the new units for the Horus Heresy from the latest hardback black book -- that will culminate in 2021 as well with a bit of luck. 

In the meantime, let me wish all of you a Happy New Year as we happily see the back of 2020. 
-jabberjabber :)

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