Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Iron Hands Medusan Immortals 3/5

The third marine in the Iron Hands Medusan Immortals is muddied after seeing serious action against the Emperor's Children. Although following the same painting scheme as the others in this series, the mud is turned up a notch and features heavily on the shins and feet of the miniature, with a touch on the shield too, let alone the third legion shoulder pad that can be seen on the ground in front of him. 

Anomalously whiter than the rest of the miniature, and seemingly relatively untouched by the mud, is a bolt gun with the numeral "X" on the side. The narrative here is that this marine recovered the bolt gun from a fallen battle brother when his own bolt gun failed him. It also gives a touch more diversity to the squad overall and I feel it is a nice addition. Overall, I'm happy with this even given how much the alternate colour bolt gun stands out. 

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