Thursday, November 12, 2020

Iron Hands Medusan Immortals 1/5

Painting progress report today. I have decided to round off my Iron Hands Breacher squad by filling it out with Iron Hands Medusan Immortals. This will take their number up to a total of ten, packed out with two flamers as their selected special weapons. 

This is the first Medusan Immortal that I've painted. It follows the Iron Hands recipe that I worked out for the rest of the Breacher squad earlier on: muted black colours (as opposed to the shinier Raven Guard slick black) combined with Nuln Oil washed metallics and battle damage applied to various locations. The trim of the armour is picked out in the washed silver colour itself as well, whereas the lenses are a combination of reds and oranges to create a reflective (refractive) lens appearance that complements the otherwise darker colours. The base has a rhino door sporting Emperor's Children colours to represent the battles that took place in the Isstvan system as is thematic with the Shattered Legions approach that I'm taking here. 

This particular marine sports a flame gun held on to the shield. In hind sight -- and if I had the time over again -- I would have put the flamer on one of the other models that did not hold the gun in place on the shield. The fit was fiddlesome to say the least and not a task I'd want to do again in a hurry. I will remember this for next time. Otherwise, this is the first of 5 marines that I will be presenting over the coming days (hopefully not weeks!). 

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