Thursday, October 8, 2020

Horus Heresy Review: Dreadwing Interemptors

These marines represent the ultimate sanction from the Dark Angels of the Lion. They are charged with the literate erasure and annihilation of the enemy in entirety -- to leave nothing behind, nor even speak of their victories. They do this through their plasma burners and incinerators, which has the side effect of irradiating the marines themselves over a period of decades before they become combat ineffective or need placed in a dreadnought. Grim.

I really like the plasma weapons on offer here. Lots of potential shots at AP2, but with the slight drawback of S=4 which should be compared against a regular plasma gun (and has the mild advantage of no gets hot rule). This is somewhat offset by the use of rad grenades though, and it is a squad that could chew through terminators of the enemy with ease. Stubborn is nice here too. 

Fundamentally, these are regular T=4 and 3+ save marines with one wound each. They are prime targets too. And they're competing for an elites slot with many others. My guess is that they will only be used alongside the Dreadwing special rite of war to be honest. Otherwise, the elite slot is being used for other units, and a support squad of plasma might be a superior choice. That said, putting them in a land raider and moving them up to a select target is a viable tactic and one to be explored (or grab them if you're an Alpha Legion player and infiltrate them in?). The plasma incinerator sits in an odd place since it is "heavy" but carries a suspension web resulting in a different range to the plasma burners for extra shots. I'd advocate a stasis missile launcher instead. Further, these marines are not close combat ones, they are dedicated very close range shooting marines. Don't get tar-pitted or they will die due to lack of attacks (1 each with a blade -- the burner is not classed as a pistol).

I only really have one build to offer here since there are few options.

10 Interemptors, 2 missile launchers (340 points).
Take a land raider proteus to rock up to your chosen enemy and burn them away with the plasma (fire your rad or stasis missiles first though!).  Take phospex bombs to taste. 

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