Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Test Shield for Breachers

I wanted to conduct a brief painting test using a new formulation that I've had in my mind for a rather long time for black. The subject material was a breacher shield for my Iron Hands shattered legion squad.

The formula that I'm using here explicitly avoids using pure black except for the base coat. Instead, I opt to use Eshin Grey as the base coat and follow this up by two washes: one with Nuln oil, and a second with watered down brown/black to generate a grimy feeling. 

As for the silvers, this is a straight forward application of lead belcher, followed by Nuln oil and some highlighting with Rune fang. 

Overall, I'm happy with the outcome here. The "black" is the desired matt colour that I was after in the first place, and it certainly offsets the Iron Hands grime black from the more obviously black and arguably glossy finish that I've opted for with my Raven Guard contingent of the Shattered Legions. I will be painting up the rest of the Iron Hands using this formulation. More on this in the coming days and weeks ahead. 

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