Thursday, March 26, 2020

Death of Hope

The past few weeks have been very stressful, and peculiar, due to the global pandemic we are presently enduring. Although I'm fit and well at present, I have been rushed off my feet - hence the lack of posts here.

However, recently, I did stumble across the "Death of Hope" first episode from Mark Louis Spark which I gave a watch.

I honestly didn't quite know what to expect. Although I'd seen the trailers, I don't think I was quite braced for how confronting some of the scenes were. If this video were to be released in the cinemas, I suspect that not only would it readily be given an "R" rating (i.e. Restricted), but I would wager that some scenes might have to be curtailed. Yes: it is at that kind of level.

The plot features the 30k shadow crusade wars between the Ultramarines and the Word Bearers plus World Eaters. The plot is a bit confusing at first since there is a lot of stolen armour being worn. But -- it has to be said -- the armour textures are second to none. I will go as far to say that they are the best I've ever seen animated in fact. Once viewers have got past the stolen armour plot line, it all makes a lot more sense.

The horror component really got under my skin though. There's a scene where a (dead) baby has been melded to its Mother's hands. It is gross. There's another bit where a bisected Ultramarine, bereft of one eye and two eyelids, lips, and most of a cheek, is hung by hooks to the wall and tries to free himself to help his brothers. This was also a yuck moment. Whilst I get that chaos and the traitor legions are evil, and would do this kind of thing, it still is quite full on and a bit more than grim dark. I think there might have been ways to make this a 12 certificate rather than R personally. But I get that people like it. For me though, it was horrifying.

That said, I personally thought the skin textures were of lower quality than the armour.

Highlights were many though. We've talked about the armour being all kinds of awesome. But there's also the appearance of a Saturnine Terminator, a bloodletter, Elder crewman, and more. There's plenty in here to be delighted with for any 30k fan.

I'm looking forward to the second instalment, but not so much the horror component that I'm sure will be integrated there!

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