Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ten Days of Raven Guard: 4

This brother legionary is a "beaky" Corvus armour Raven Guard. In the background to the Heresy, the Raven Guard are noted as being one of the main legions that were granted the privilege of testing out the new mark of power armour just prior to the Heresy breaking out. Of course, other legions (looking at you, Alpha Legion) got their hands on the new mark, and it was tested to a very minor extent in the other legions, but the Raven Guard had extensive field supplies of this mark unlike most of the rest.

This particular marine features a blend of a few different marks, but I like the chaos space marine bolt gun that he's holding a lot. As an Isstvan survivor, it would be natural for this marine to pick up any weapon that he came across and put it to good use. I imagine this one might have been stolen from some Word Bearer legion corpse, but of course, that is entirely subjective.

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