Saturday, February 22, 2020

More Raven Guard in the Works (Day 1 of Ten Days of Raven Guard)

The Shattered Legion grows! Albeit one miniature at a time. This is Day 1 of my Ten Days of Raven Guard.

This particular example sports a combination of parts from at least three different space marine boxed sets -- the modern 40k box, the 30k mk4 boxed set, as well as the kneeling devastator set. The shoulder pad is resin from Forge World. This marine adds to the growing complement of Raven Guard for the shattered legion force that I'm growing right now. I'll post more on this particular squad soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. That’s also my favourite mark of Bolter from the 30k set, more compact and suits Ravenguard. My alternative SoB have these Bolters.
