Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mor Deythan Melta

The new project is taking form with increased celerity (although that wouldn't take much either given how little progress I have made on it, to be candid). 

This model is a Mor Deythan marine from the Raven Guard legion. This is a minor bit of conversion work, replacing the regular armament with a melta gun from the plastic 30k range (which needed the hand chopped away to work with the resin hand on the Forge World parts), along with a plastic back pack. Although I thought about buying the regular marines, I got a good deal on an incomplete Mor Deythan set (minus the weapons and back packs) that I couldn't say no to. Hence this marine needed a couple of more parts to set him up well.

Well, there may still be prizes for guessing what I'm working on, so I'll leave that part of what I'm doing as a semi-mystery for the moment (but its probably obvious). I want to get a full squad of Mor Deythan converted in a similar fashion and ready for painting soon, time permitting!

1 comment:

  1. I want these for my 40k Raptors, so im only a little jealous :p
    (it's alright, i had to use Dark Fury Assault models instead)
