Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Daemonology in 30k: Sacrifice

We now turn to a conjuration power which is similar to the Primaris power of summoning

As the name implies, there is a sacrificial offering to the chaos gods in exchange for a one of the most trusted servants making an appearance on the battlefield.

What I found odd about this power when I first read it was the fact that the only thing to be sacrificed is a single wound. In other words, one does not (technically) have to remove a model from the tabletop, which is what I thought it would have been. Instead, you can just choose a multi-wound model to drop a single wound and gain a new miniature out of it. This is perfect for many armies since a wounded praetor will hit just as hard as one on full wounds. 

The summoned daemon, in turn, is a single Chosen miniature. In effect, this is (over) fifty free points of miniature appearing on the table for the controlling player at the cost of a single wound. This is therefore a solid power.

Unlike the Primaris power though, it only requires a single warp charge and is therefore much easier to manifest. The points cost of the summoned unit is therefore almost in line with the one-third reduction in warp charge required. I will refer readers to the Primaris power for suggestions on the single emanation permitted, with one important difference. As they are a chaos chosen daemon, they can be given the Lord of Sorcery upgrade for free (taking the effective unit worth to 75 points). This thus reinforces armies like Tzeentch in a very effective manner, and probably means it is one to watch out for on the battlefield. 

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