Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Daemonology in 30k: Cursed Earth

As a bessing, the cursed earth power is a really powerful addition to the toolset for daemons, especially the Tzeentch variety.

The ability to provide an extra pip of invulnerability save is not to be overlooked lightly, but the real clincher is the ability to not scatter on deep striking.

Sure, these abilities are limited to a 12 inch bubble around the caster, but played right, can turn the tide of a battle. For melee daemons, the bonus save is great (and really nice as well with any other bonuses to save that the daemons can create or manufacture). However, having the deep striking forces come down where you want them can not only out-manoeuvre an opponent, but can also provide a body of daemons to screen the summoner and any unit the summoner is attached to.

Overall, I'd give this power a good rating overall and it is one worth attempting if you're not actively summoning every turn. 

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