Monday, July 22, 2019

More Alpha Legion with Contrast Paints

A quick update to my earlier post on using the new Contrast Paints to deal with Alpha Legion power armour painting. Here, I have almost fully painted up my praetor miniature using an undercoat of lead belcher and a coating of Terradon Turquoise on top. The paint scheme follows the usual standards for the Alpha Legion with silver trimmings, and some white markings, with greens used sparingly (notably on one of the shoulder pads where the hydra icon can be seen). 

I'm particularly proud of the free hand lines I've managed on the back of the cloak. But that's not what I really wanted to point out here. Pay closer attention to the right hand shoulder pad. Notice how it not only has that metallic blue sheen to it that we've come to expect from the Alpha Legion (see the lower right leg for more of that silver blue effect!), but also the darker edges next to the silver trim. This is the action of the contrast paint alone, and not something that I've added in like a later wash or glaze. The effect is simply terrific! 

Honestly, I'm tempted to invest more in contrast paints right now -- particularly for black as I feel the cloak could have benefitted from that a lot more. And no: I'm not being paid to say that even. I'm genuinely thrilled by the effects I can get out of the contrast paints.

There's a bit more work to put in to this particular miniature yet, but as it stands, it is more than ready for the table top. 


  1. Definitely a good effect on the armor to get the metallic blue/green look. Freehand came out great!

  2. Cheers! I appreciate the positive feedback :)
