Sunday, July 14, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Ruinstorm Possessed

The background text makes clear the differentiation between the possessed, as described here, and the Gal Vorbak. Whereas the latter is a fusion of two willing partners in crime, these possessed are created from the shells of men who can barely hold weapons, and the weak willed. They are wholly controlled by chaos entities and not in any kind of symbiotic relationship with a warp entity.

The possessed come in two different "flavours": one for legionaries, and one for auxiliary (i.e. base line human / Imperial Guard stat line).

They lack the generic daemon ruinstorm rules though, which means that they must set up on the board as regular troops do. This in turn means that one of their strengths can be to defend warp rifts that are placed on the table. Beyond that, they really are just marines or imperial guard.

Additionally, they are not subject to the ides of the warp like the rest of the army is, hence they are much more reliable throughout the game (in terms of not going down in S and T that is).

They are fundamentally support units, and they can never be joined by an independent character from this particular army. Equally, no victory points are ever going to be lost due to their deaths which is good.

Unlike the rest of the army where I have given explicit suggestions according to dominion, here I'm just going to focus on the unit itself without any particular chaos god associated with it. This is because there is no particular need (or even ability) to build this unit in this way.

20 Auxilia, 4 grenade launchers (140 points).
Dirt cheap, with ranged threat (of sorts), and likely to die quickly. This is a screening unit basically. A meat shield, and little else. For more of a mobile meat shield, swap out the launchers for flamers.

10 Auxilia, 2 plasma guns (80 points).
A bit hilarious since if an enemy ignore this unit, it can really hurt most enemies thanks to the plasma. Swap out for melta if you like.

10 Legionaries, 2 melta guns, 1 with thunder hammer (150 points).
The base line possessed space marine entry. Take bolt guns or bolt pistols, as preferred.

20 Legionaries, 4 plasma guns, 1 with power fist (275 points).
This is another nice load out with plasma to cause some strong damage at mid range.

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