Monday, July 1, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Ruinstorm Daemon Beasts

Aping some of the forms seen in human armies, the beasts of chaos are recognisable from the earliest days of daemons in the old Realms of Chaos books. Fiends of Slaanesh. Beasts of Nurgle. Oddly though, Flamers of Tzeentch and Fleshounds of Khorne don't seem like a good fit overall, largely due to the large (40mm) bases needed. Juggernauts of Khorne might do in a pinch as well.

Fundamentally, the Beasts entry in the army list has one pip extra in S and T compared to lesser daemons, they're also troops, and they are classed as beasts. For this, they are double the points, but this is arguably a good investment.

They can only take two emanations of horror, rather than three (lesser daemons can take three).

Resplendent Terror Build:
3 Beasts, Bone Shard Harpoon, Crushing Claws (98 points). 
A basic, shooting unit, with potential in close combat. 

Crimson Fury Build:
8 Beasts, Brass Collars, Sundering Fangs (280 points).
This is actually a dangerous combat unit with good staying power combined with S=10 attacks if needed. Notice the use of 8 here -- Khorne's associated number.

Creeping Scourge Build:
7 Beasts, Miasma of Rot, Warp-scaled Hide (231 points).
Pseudo-beasts of Nurgle. They're nothing like beasts of Nurgle, but they're the best I could do given the lack of options.

Lurid Onslaught Build:
6 Beasts, Stupefying Musk, Crushing Claws (198 points).
An attempt to build Fiends of Slaanesh. This one isn't too bad overall. 

Maddening Swarms Build:
10 Beasts, Warp Scions, Flaming Ichor (310 points).
Of course, I was going to go with 9 beasts here, but the flaming ichor calls for multiples of 5. These are the Flamers of Tzeentch build, and I actually like it. 

Mirror of Hate Build:
3 Beasts, Rift Barb, Horned Crown (93 points).
The light tank killer unit. Horned Crown is to follow up against any occupants. Take multiple small units. 

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