Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Ruinstorm Greater Daemon

Greater daemons are exactly what we have come to expect, even here in the Ruinstorm. They are extensions of the masters that created them and gave them a spark of their own consciousness. The background given characterises them as well-honed and expert killers who have been bringing misery and suffering to the sentient races for a very long time.

As with all of the ruin storm daemons, the greater daemons are very customisable with the ability to take up to three emanations. Their stat line is impressive, with 5 wounds, and slightly sub-primarch levels in most others.

Their other rules are the standard fare for daemons in 30k: tides of madness, parting the veil, and daemon of the ruinstorm (naturally).

They come with a basic 4+ save and a close combat weapon. That's all. Other than that, they're not really "weak" per se. But they are worth the points when built nicely.

One build for each dominion follows.

Resplendent Terror Build:
Daemonic Wings, Crushing Claws, Miasma of Rot (210 points).
A simple build meant to get in to combat fast and start killing things.

Crimson Fury Build:
Daemonic Wings, Brass Collar, Sundering Fangs (210 points).
I tried to build something like a Bloodthirtser. Enough said.

Creeping Scourge Build:
Miasma of Rot, Corrosive Vomit, Lord of Sorcery (205 points). 
Following a theme, I tried to build a Great Unclean One (with one level of psychic mastery just because). I like it and would play it.

Lurid Onslaught Build:
Stupefying musk, Crushing Claws, Quicksilver Speed (195 points). 
My attempt to build a Keeper of Secrets. I'm not wholly sold on it, but it feels like it adheres to the new plastic model.

Maddening Swarms:
Daemonic Wings, Lord of Sorcery x 2 (235 points).
A Lord of Change style build here. Obviously with wings and as many levels of psychic ability as we can get. Which sadly is not 3 unless I drop the wings. But I'm keeping the wings because of the model.

Mirror of Hate:
Daemonic Wings, Lord of Sorcery, Warp-scaled Hide (225 points). 
Although there is some older pictures (e.g., Realm of Chaos, and others) of Malal daemons, the field is wide open here, so I went with something that is similar to the Daemon Lord, earlier.

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