Saturday, June 1, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Ruinstorm Daemon Lord

The Daemon Lord is one of the prime incarnations of the Warp. Think of them as Superior Greater Daemons. Or praetors if you must. They are the ones in charge. They have the cunning and ruthlessness to get stuff done in the name of the power that they serve.

Three emanations is very nice, although the points can increase rapidly. The ability to take brutes as part of the unit is similarly excellent, but we will re-visit brutes as a distinct entry in the army list later on rather than specify the variety possibly here. Here we will simply note the guardian daemon rule which means that these bodyguards will take the hits for the daemon lord in the shooting phase, come what may. Therefore they come recommended by me.

With Vanguard of Hell, the daemon lord can come in to play on turn 1 (should you choose), which is going to be a nice touch to the army overall.

Finally it is worth noting the option for being a flying monstrous creature. The army needs some of these brutes since they provide an effective way to combat an enemy air force.

You only get one of these (maximum) per army. Choose wisely. They must always be the warlord too, not that this is a weakness in any form, its just you might have wanted a different miniature to take this honour.

The biggest weakness is that one cannot select brutes if you choose that the daemon lord will be a flying monstrous creature.

This is where things start to get interesting! For each daemon we look at in the list, I'm going to try to provide 6 (yes: SIX) builds. In other words: one for each of the major dominions.

Resplendent Terror Build:
Here we're looking to kill, remove from play, or make them flee. Accordingly, builds that hit hard, or cause rout tests are what we want.
Flying monstrous creature, Horned Crown, Ephemeral Terror, Miasma of Rot (255 points).
The idea here is to get quickly in to combat, using hammer of wrath and reduce opponents toughness to cause easier wounds. This is all about rapid assault at its core, and killing stuff quickly.

Crimson Fury Build:
Similar in some ways to resplendent terror, we just want to get things killed.
Flying monstrous creature, Brass Collar, Rift Barb, Crushing Claws (265 points).
Some ranged pressure here, followed by strong close combat, and survivability.

Creeping Scourge Build:
There's a need to focus on survivability here, but also a secondary need to clear out anything nearby.
Flying Monstrous Creature, Miasma of Rot, Warp-scaled Hide, Flaming Ichor (270 points).
Good survivability here, coupled with localised ranged pressure and close combat potential.

Lurid Onslaught Build:
We want pinning, fear, and obviously: stupefying musk here to cause failed morale tests (including pinning).
Flying Monstrous Creature, Stupefying musk, Lord of Sorcery, Bone Shard Harpoon (270 points).
Each of the upgrades offer a method to gain a victory point. Go for it.

Maddening Swarms:
This is simply the case that you must take sorcery.
Flying Monstrous Creature, Lord of Sorcery x 3 (305 points).
Try to dominate in the psychic phase. Job done. Alternatively, just go biomancy to kill lots.

Mirror of Hate:
Sometimes it won't matter what you do here to get the special victory condition. However, I think some psychic ability is necessary here. Otherwise, go for combat and sorcery.
Flying Monstrous Creature, Lord of Sorcery, Warp-scaled Hide, Rift Barb (280 points).
A bit of an all-rounder to some extent. Play as required.

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