Saturday, June 22, 2019

Alpha Legion Painting using Contrast Paints

This is an experiment that I have been wanting to perform since news of the new range of citadel Contrast Paints was released. Put simply: can contrast paints help with painting Alpha Legion colours?

Here is my attempt, below. For this, I have used a converted Alpha Legion Praetor that I constructed a while ago. The only difference to that earlier post is that I added texture and bits to the base.

The recipe is very simple indeed. Spray paint the model black for the under coat. Once dry, use lead belcher for the base coat. [Note, I've been sloppy with both this step and the contrast paint step -- neither is my most careful work, and that is intentional for the sake of this experiment.] Lastly, apply a coat of citadel contrast Terradon Turquoise. I didn't thin it down, but I did ensure it was not too thick by moving it around on the surface of the miniature before it dried as I wanted the silver from the lead belcher to shine through for the metallic blue effect. The result can be seen in the image below.

Overall, this is a very speedy way to paint. I'm sure it would be even quicker if I loaded the paint in to my airbrush. But at under ten minutes for this effect, no one will complain. Contrast paints are going to make painting Alpha Legion and Thousand Sons metallic colours a real walk in the park. Seriously: I am impressed. 

I intend to paint up the rest of this miniature with highlights, and other colours. I'll post more once I've completed it and compare it to my older method to see which I like better. I think the tone is different for both approaches and I'd like to see something from my earlier collection side by side with this one once complete. However, the sheer speed advantage is a critical selling point of the contrast paints. I cannot fault them. 


  1. Nice work! Glad people are seeing some use in the new paints, should hopefully lead to more painted armies on the tabletop.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement!
    I'm hoping to get some painting in soon (once the weather settles) to see how much more I can do with the contrast paints -- and to finish off this particular gem of a model! More later on this I hope!

  3. I am using Arkhelian Green for my Alpha Legion, with stormhost silver as a base coat. End result is nice metallic blue/ green colour. Try it :)

    1. Any pics? Trying to get tips for my alpha legion paint scene
