Friday, May 3, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: The Ebon Keshig

The Ebon Keshig are one of the more flavourful units in 30k. Whereas most legions regard their terminators as some kind of elite units or special formation, the White Scars have the Ebon Keshig as the place where their men go to atone for perceived sins or breaches of honour. If they survive their time in the Ebon Keshig, then they go back to where they once were, or find a newer role within the legion. I really like the flavour of this immensely.

They come as standard with power glaives -- these are awesome melee weapons which have the versatile special rule, and when used two-handed will give these terminators AP2 at S=5. This is really rather good.

In addition, they get their choice of terminator armour from any of the types available (I think I'd recommend tartaros here simply because of the rules that go along with it). The natural feel no pain means that we're not losing out much on taking cataphractii instead, but I can see an argument for cataphractii regardless. The stubborn special rule is great here as well. Chosen warriors I can live without, but it is nice here.

Not only are these units a support unit, but they also have the Kharash special rule. This means that they do not score, but can never earn an enemy any victory points either for their destruction. I guess this is a blessing and a curse.

The most glaring weakness here is how they get in to close combat. The controlling player will have to figure out the delivery method for themselves. It might be through a rite of war (e.g., an army made from deep striking terminators would complement the Ebon Keshig nicely), or it'll have to be a transport bought separately. This is okay at lower points values, but spells trouble at higher points where one would want to take different units in those other valuable slots. How about you're actually Alpharius and you get these units via Coils of the Hydra so that they infiltrate? Problem solved.


10 Kharash (450 points).
I like the basic build, but a max squad of them. If you can find a transport or insertion solution, they will mop up enemy infantry (including other terminators, but maybe not Salamanders ones with shields) rather nicely. Tartaros armour suggested here. I would also consider adding 2 lots of grenade harnesses here as well if charging an enemy in terrain might be an issue.

Of course, half the number of terminators is still fun and viable for the above build. I would still recommend one or two grenade harnesses, but maybe think about cataphractii armour instead.

5 Kharash, all with power fists and combi-bolters (275 points).
I regret removing the power glaives, but if these terminators are in cataphractii armour, then they demand attention from the enemy and can be employed as a distraction unit; plain and simple.

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