Monday, April 22, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Judicar Aster Crohne

In a nutshell, Crohne is a natural born survivor. Massacres, bloody battlefields, and slaughters untold, this is a marine who just gets through everything and still looks good doing so. He is also an old-timer, and therefore somewhat shunned by the rest of the legion whose methods have changed since Sanguinius took over command. Despite this, he is a loyalist through and through even if in the modern 30k scene the ninth legion seems like the wrong fit for him (it used to be a great fit, but the legion demeanour changed).

He has a 50 per cent possibility of coming back from the dead the first time that he is killed (going back in to reserves with one wound remaining). He is consequentially a tough character to take out.

He is able to grant shred and rend to hand flamers for his attacks (and destroyers, Angel's Tears) against d3 selected units. But this is very circumstantial and requires some fairly specific builds on behalf of the player which I have my doubts will see a lot of play to make the most out of. [It should be noted that the wording on this is dubious. I think its intended that all of these units gain the bonus, but rules as written says on Crohne gains it. Hopefully one for the next FAQ].

He has some nice equipment like a S+1 AP3 rending axe, hand flamers, and rad grenades. Plus gets a 2+ save.

Fundamentally, Crohne is not a praetor. He is a moritat. His use is therefore circumstantial and purpose utility only.

This is not a character I can see being used frequently, sadly. Although he has a good number of things going for him, I would want a different HQ choice to him in many builds. However, for narrative play, and smaller skirmishes (think: 30k kill team style), he would be perfect.

To be very candid, I find it a pity that Crohne got a description and not Amit. 

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