Friday, April 19, 2019

Base Painting: Scibor Ruins

Getting a bit more hobby mojo, I have recently turned to painting up some Scibor ruins bases that have been lurking in my collection for a while. These will ultimately be used with some 30k Forge World models that I have similarly been ignoring for a while - but more on those another time.

The image above shows the final bases fully painted. For this work, I undercoated them in black. The base coat was Fenrisian Grey, applied liberally all over, combined with forest green on the leafy parts.  I then inked the pieces in a subtle black to ensure that the recesses of the letterings and decorations on the bases looked correct, and to give a worn look to the overall base. Some dry brushing then followed in lighter grey tones, with some hints of a fleshy cream colour mixed in to give a hint of weathering. The leaves also received some green ink, and then a bright green highlighting. The final touches were to add the gold accents on the shield pieces and other embossed areas of the bases as a contrast colour.

Overall, the effect is one of a weathered, old ruin which is now ready for some miniatured to be pinned on to them. Hope you like this latest bit of painting.

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