Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Shadrak Meduson

Warpstone Flux Rating: 
4/5 stars. A great Praetor level character for the Iron Hands or Shattered Legions. 

Witnessing the devastation of the Betrayal from orbit, Meduson made his escape and re-forced the remnants of the Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders into a new fighting force. They became guerrillas, deploying behind enemy lines and fighting as a flexible force that took advantage of each of their legion's strengths. 

The warlord trait here is really strong when you pull it off at the right moment. In short, once per game you can give your Iron Hands or Shattered Legions army Furious Charge and Hatred of traitors. All you have to basically do is line up 2 or more charges and it is probably going to be worth it. The extra movement reaction is a bonus.

As well as being able to flip-flop between Iron Hands and Shattered Legions rules, he comes with a rending bolt gun and a power sword from the days of the Storm Walkers that has S+1 and breaching (at a base of AP=3) which can be deadly. 

WS=5 is okay, but not great. But more fundamentally, who would play a Shattered Legions army under the current rules? Great as an Iron Hands character otherwise! 

A great character, but I'm still crying about the Shattered Legions rules in second edition. Play him as an Iron Hands master of the legion and he'll do well enough for the points cost that you are paying. 

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